Sunday, March 10, 2013

kings and stuff

I went to London for a few days, this sculpture is in Kingston on Thames, were our hotel was (not the one in the photo).  Those are real telephone boxes btw :)

We went to the V&A to see the textiles.  The wonderful textile study room was closed as everything is in the process of being moved to Olympia.  sigh.  Most of the fashion collection was gone too.  And the theatre and film costumes.  Never mind, we thought we would go and see the new Tudor exhibition but that didn't open until tomorrow..

All was not lost as we found some amazing textiles hidden amongst the other treasures, in the Islamic/middle east, the Japanese collection and the Medieval and Renaissance collections.  Awesome stuff and not to be missed.  I would love to show the photos I took, except I didn't take any.  Too busy awe-ing and ah-ing.  I did find some rather nice ceramic bowls which will translate very nicely into stitched vessels.  Watch this space as I am eager to have a go :)

I had a day at Hampton Court.  Goodness it was cold and the fire in the King's kitchen was a good place to hang around.  It was mother's day and the annual flower festival was well attended.  I saw King Henry VIII and some of his wives wandering around.  I did chat to one or two members of his court, but not the great man himself.  This rather handsome courtier escorted me when I got lost.  You wouldn't believe the size of his codpiece! 

 The Young Henry exhibition was different and very interesting.  Instead of the usual plaques, chairs were used. 


If you click on the image you should be able to read the text. 

Parts of the story were also told within the weave of the carpet.

I really enjoyed the different presentation.

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