Wednesday, March 06, 2013

I won, I won I won I won I won

I rarely sign up for giveaways but the nuno felting book looked like something I needed on my desk so I gave it a go and I won.
I have had a bit of a read (yes I read some words) and checked out the step by step instructions and this is a good book, with clear detailed instructions.  The photos are as good as I have seen in any book.  I would definately have been happy to buy this and am looking forward to getting out to the studio and making felt again.  I have the supplies ready and waiting ;)

Life has been manic the past few weeks and I have doing a good impersonation of a headless chicken  but I decided to give myself a day off on Sunday. 

I have been meaning to make one of these for years and finally did it.  It was a bit of a fiddle starting the coil, but after that it was quick and easy.  The tortuous part was wrapping the cord with the fabric.  I used a piece of hand dyed that I wasn't happy with because I was sure I wouldn't be able to do it, but I am quite proud of my first go.  I have a second on the way with slightly more interesting fabric.  Watch this space.  I bought 88 metres of cord on Monday (that's all Dunhelm had left) so should be able to make one or two more :):)

The second bowl is another first, and may become a 2 hour Friday fun workshop at stitchcraft   Because they book far in advance I used christmas fabric - eek!!  I do appologise for this, it is only March...


  1. Congrats!!!! love the blue bowl in particular.

  2. Congratulations on your win :-) I like the coiled bowl and might be tempted to have a go at one and the new bowl is very pretty. I shall have to forgive you the 'C' word.
