Monday, March 04, 2013

recycled shorts into bag

I found this fantastic easy to understand tutorial on how to turn a pair of shorts into a handy bag. If anyone has visits from me, they need to watch their wardrobe as I am on the lookout for a pair ;)


  1. Anonymous1:03 pm

    I bet you will find some in the charity shops... if not in the closet. The grill king has several pairs of those and he loves them so much, they will be worn thin before I get my hands on them.

  2. Wish I'd seen this before I donated a special pair of shorts to charity! Are you going to bring one to Stitchcraft tomorrow?

  3. I am not sure I want to use anything from himself's wardrobe ;) I shall be trawling the charity shops asap

  4. this is great, and the best part, no velcro to snag knitting yarn would be a good carry along project bag.
