Thursday, November 14, 2013

holiday tales part two

St Ives is never quiet, it is way to lovely for that so there was a bit of a panic when the park and ride car park was full.  Not being daft enough to drive down to the town (I have been before don't ya know), we had a bit of a ride around and found the rugby club, which had opened it's car park for the day.  Sorted!  A slow stroll down to the town followed by rather nice fish and chips in a pub.

Tide was in so we had to do the galleries and shops, buying nothing but postcards as it is a popular tourist spot with prices to match!  Eventually towards the end of the afternoon the tide went out enough for us to beahcomb.

There were interesting bits of rock

 and bits of pottery, washed smooth by the sea

and heart shaped bits of rock

    and sea glass.....swoon  


  1. Anonymous2:36 pm

    very nice collections. Love the glass.

  2. You didn't say we had to drag you kicking and screaming from the beach 'cos it was nearly dark and we had an hour's+ drive to get back! You got some great beach finds though.
