Thursday, November 14, 2013

holiday tales part three

We got back from St Ives, happy and refreshed.  A good nights sleep sorted out any other cobwebs and we started Wednesday full of verve.

Wednesday was officially the day off so most people were out for at least part of the day.  The three of us stayed in and got on with stuff like good students should. 

Thursday was finishing and rounding off day, I started a postcard but to be honest I was more interested in seeing what everyone else had done.  It was very good. 
We had a nice lunch and as we were settling to actually do something the power went out.  Hmm.  Not just our power, not the farm's power, not even just Mevagissey's power.  The whole area went dark!!  With no sign of it coming back on, those who lived close by packed up their cars and went home.  We sat in candlelight wondering whether to tell ghost stories or play charades when it came back on again :)  Saved from silly games! 
On Friday morning we squished everything in the car, there was still room to breath and no-one had to sit on anything they didn't want to.  We set off on the next stage of the adventure, Stonehenge - here we come.
Bleddy traffic.  Bleddy accidents.  Sigh.  We did get to Stonehenge, it was still open, just.  Julie and I had been before but Tina hadn't so we said we would go in.  Tina had forgotten her NT card and refused to pay the entrance fee.  So we popped into the shop and bought a couple of postcards, then we peeked over the fence.  It was raining and a bit muddy.  We drove to Salisbury to the hotel and had a little rest and dinner.  Tina should not have eaten the ice cream.
The plan was to spend a few hours in Salisbury, nice Cathedral interesting antique shops and at least one fabric shop that I know of.  However Tina had an almighty headache, (on account of eating dairy ice cream, which she knows she shouldn't have!!) we decided to go home.
Sigh bleddy traffic, bleddy accidents.  Luckily Julie is a good navigator and knows a thing or two and led us away from the big jam and towards the A1.  Serendipity meant that Julie needed to 'powder her nose' just as we approached 'Galleria', so we went just for a comfort break.  And TK Maxx.  hmmmm.  We ate lunch too.  And then we really did set off on the last leg of the journey.  As we approached Knebworth I did wonder if there was time for a quick hop to ArtVanGo but sadly we were a bit late.  Bugrit (as one of my favourite literary character says.)  AVG had a fab exhibition and we missed it.  Gruump 

And that is kind of the end.  We dropped Julie off at home, Barry came to pick Tina up. 


  1. You failed to mention your excellent driving that got us there and back safely. Thank you for that and for your company for the week. We had a blast! (Don't talk about the wind....).

  2. Oh yes, I failed to mention a certain person who probably shouldn't neck the best part of a bottle of wine. Giggles and raucous laughter on account of bodily functions were lots of fun but we probably won't be allowed back :-D

  3. excuse me, how come I got the blame for everything?.... see you failed to mention your alcohol/wind was all a laugh really, id go again if it wasn't so far...

  4. I don't recall having a problem with alcohol, I distinctly remember enjoying the said alcohol.
