Monday, November 18, 2013

Stitch and Structure


I forgot to mention that whilst we were away someone showed us a copy of Jean Drapers book.  Everyone wanted a look and it was clear that it was a 'must have', I nipped onto Amazon and ordered three copies.  Even though this was a Sunday, the books turned up the next day, although the postman was a bit confused about who to deliver it to.  I know that at least one more person ordered it to be delivered to their home address.

Another brought for show and tell was this
one from Angie Lewin.  I don't usually work from plants and wouldn't have given this one a second look.  What a mistake that would have been, the illustrations are amazing and I think will be inspirational for some time to come. 

So, two tomes I won't have to cart around with at Harrogate :)  Did I mention I am going to the Knitting and Stitching Show this week?  


  1. I still need to order the Angie Lewin book. Thanks for reminding me. Not sure if I'm going to get to Harrogate.

  2. I love the Angie Elwin book. And can feel plenty of inspiration coming from it!
